Becky Moon (b. 2002, Seoul, South Korea) is an artist who creates paintings, sculptures, and videos with a thought-provoking narrative. 

Once a human rights activist who wrote a petition signed by 60,000 people that eventually played a key role in making a law in South Korea, she now creates dense, chromatic, and surreal artworks to raise questions about knowing, seeing, being, reality, eternity, time, and space that often draws inspirations from philosophical texts. 

She is a senior pursuing a BFA in studio art with a second major in philosophy at Washington University in St. Louis. She was one of the 26 rising seniors worldwide to attend Yale Norfolk School of Art’s 2023 session and a recipient of the New York Academy of Art’s 2024 Summer Undergraduate Residency Program Academy Scholar Award. 

She had a solo show Sea of Perception at Harvard University in 2023 and has also shown at The Luminary, Bruno David Gallery, Des Lee Gallery, TechArtista, and multiple other spaces in St. Louis, New York, and more.

For curatorial work, she is the founder of Artist’s Alliance for Philosophy, where she curated two philosophy-inspired art exhibits titled Women in Philosophy: Power and Prominence, and Nature of Memory at Washington University Department of Philosophy.

Instagram - @q1moon

She also collects cat drawings from philosophers.